To make the ENDORISK-model accessible in daily practice, over a ton in financing has been granted by the Dutch Cancer Society for 1.5 years. The grant was received through the Proof of Concept-programme, in which promising results from earlier Dutch Cancer Society research can be translated to a usable application. Project leader is dr. Hanny Pijnenborg, gynecologic oncologist in the Radboud University Medical Center.
With this grant, the ENDORISK-model can be made available to daily clinical practice to select women with endometrial cancer for lymph node staging. Within the project, the benefit and cost-efficacy of ENDORISK will be amongst the subjects to be researched.
We would like to thank the donors to the Dutch Cancer Society and of course to the Dutch Cancer Society themselves for their support for this project!
Read the message by the Dutch Cancer Society on LinkedIn here and on their website here (both in Dutch).